Allies/Resources (Aliados/Recursos)

Amnesty International Canada – Business and Human Rights Program: Program focus is making sure companies respect human rights. This blog draws attention to issues of corporate accountability, human rights violations, and the need for legislation to hold Canadian companies accountable. We focus primarily on Canadian mining, oil and gas companies, as well as other areas of Business and Human Rights.

Amnesty International USA (Guatemala Human Rights): Amnesty International is an activist organization which undertakes research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights.

La Asamblea Departamental de Huehuetenango es  un espacio social de participación, coordinación, análisis,  discusión, propuesta, toma de decisiones e incidencia política; se considera autónomo y respeta la autonomía de sus diversos integrantes, pueblos y comunidades.  Está integrada por hombres y  mujeres de todas las edades, organizaciones sociales; pueblos y comunidades originarias de Huehuetenango,  quienes  luchamos  por la defensa de los territorios y por un Departamento libre de Minería y de otros proyectos que amenazan nuestra vida; buscamos la democracia, los derechos de los pueblos, en base a los valores ancestrales de la Cultura Maya, para construir  un nuevo modelo de sociedad, con justicia social, equitativo, incluyente y en armonía con la Madre Naturaleza.

Asociación CEIBA: A Guatemalan non-profit organization that supports human development and the integral development of poor and marginalized communities in Guatemala. Website in Spanish.

Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA): is a nonprofit environmental law organization that works across international borders to defend threatened ecosystems and the human communities that depend on them. International problems call for international responses, and AIDA develops transnational strategies to address the environmental and human rights challenges of the 21st century.

BC CASA/Café Justicia: a Vancouver-based volunteer group that works in solidarity with human rights and community organizations in Guatemala – in particular, with HIJOS, an organization of youth whose relatives were disappeared or murdered during the war, and with the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA), a Mayan rights and development movement that is active in 100 communities around the country.

Breaking the Silence: is a voluntary network of people in the Maritimes who began to organize in 1988 to support the efforts of Guatemalans struggling for political, social, and economic justice. We recognize that injustice is connected to structural inequalities both within and between countries, and BTS is committed to supporting structural transformation both in Guatemala and in Canada.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has become the world’s leading independent resource on the subject.  Website is updated hourly with news and reports about companies’ human rights impacts worldwide – positive and negative.

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL): is committed to strengthening and using international law and institutions to protect the environment, promote human health, and ensure a just and sustainable society. CIEL is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocacy in the global public interest, including through legal counsel, policy research, analysis, education, training and capacity building.

El Consejo de Pueblos de Occidente es un espacio donde se auto convocan para juntar las luchas de los Pueblos originarios de la región, reúne a los y las representantes de los distintos departamentos del Occidente con el fin de articular los esfuerzos en respuesta a los problemas comunes que afectan a las comunidades de esta región. * San Marcos, Huehuetenango, Quiché, Totonicapán, Sololá, Quetzaltenango y Retalhuleu.

COPAE: The Pastoral Commission for Peace and Ecology accompanies the demands of the people from San Marcos that are harmed by the exploiting natural resources policies driven by the Guatemalan State, through the concessions and licenses given to transnational companies. en español

Collectif Guatemala: est une association Loi 1901, créée en 1979 par des réfugiés guatémaltèques et des militants français. Le principal objectif de notre association est le soutien des organisations du mouvement social du pays dans leurs efforts pour construire un Etat de droit dans le cadre d’une démocratie participative.

Community Solidarity Response Toronto (CSRT) works to bring the voices and experiences of communities impacted by Canadian extractive industries to Toronto, where much of this industry is based. As Canada is a leader within the international mining industry, we recognize the pressing need for a movement within Canada to demand accountability in this sector.

FIAN International: FoodFirst Information and Action Network is an international human rights organization that has advocated for the realization of the right to food for more than 20 years. FIAN consists of national sections and individual members in over 50 countries around the world. FIAN is a not-for-profit organization without any religious or political affiliation and has consultative status to the United Nations. Español

FREDEMI: El Frente de defensa Miguelense is a locally-based coalition of indigenous Mam organizations working to defend and protect their land in San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Guatemala. FREDEMI formed in 2009 with the understanding that their union made them stronger.

GuatePrensa: Artículos de las prensas nacionales de Guatemala sobre los temas más puntuales.

Madreselva: A Guatemalan environmental NGO that advocates for the conservation of protected areas and for sustainable natural resources management.  Website in Spanish.

MiMundo: The personal Guatemala-based platform for independent Mexico-U.S. documentary photographer and photojournalist James Rodríguez,’s work focuses on documenting social and cultural issues in the region, particularly those involving land tenure, human rights abuses, indigenous rights, post-war processes, and negative effects of globalization.

MiningWatch Canada: is a pan-Canadian initiative supported by environmental, social justice, Aboriginal and labour organisations from across the country. It addresses the urgent need for a co-ordinated public interest response to the threats to public health, water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitat and community interests posed by irresponsible mineral policies and practices in Canada and around the world.

Movemiento M4Un grupo de organizaciones mesoamericanas, preocupadas por la situación de la región en cuanto a modelo de minería y sus consecuencias.

Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA): An organization formed to coordinate local activism on Guatemalan issues in the United States. Links people in the U.S. with the Guatemalan people and their struggles for justice, human rights, environmental protection, and dignity.

No a la Mina: Advocacy website  providing the latest news, documents, studies, and images from movements againsts mega-mines throughout Latin America. Website in Spanish.

No Goldcorp at SFU: A group of students and faculty at Simon Frasier University, who are concerned about Goldcorp’s purchasing of the naming rights to the SFU School for the Contemporary Arts.

Le Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala (PAQG): est un organisme de solidarité basé sur l’engagement bénévole de militants des droits de la personne. Sa mission consiste à mener des actions de soutien à l’attention des défenseurs guatémaltèques des droits civils, politiques, sociaux, culturels et économiques, victimes d’exactions. Nos équipes au Québec, quant à elles, mettent en œuvre des activités destinées à sensibiliser le public aux enjeux de la solidarité internationale et à favoriser sa mobilisation et son engagement.

Oxfam America: As part of Oxfam’s work supporting poor communities worldwide, our Right to Know, Right to Decide campaign calls on international oil, gas, and mining companies to respect the rights of poor people and contribute to the long-term reduction of poverty.

Pastoral Commission Peace and Ecology (COPAE): Works to accompany the demands of the people from San Marcos harmed by harmful natural resources policies driven by the Guatemalan state through concessions and licenses given to transnational companies. Link to original Spanish version of the site here.

Resistencia de los Pueblos: Este material es una herramienta de trabajo para las comunidades, si así lo desean y les es útil para iniciar el debate público y el intercambio de información entre ellas. No es para uso privado, comercial, ni mucho menos para fines difamatorios, es simplemente la historia contada por los pueblos y para la lucha de los pueblos que buscan la autodeterminación. 

Rights Action: channels funds directly to community-based organizations carrying out their own human rights, development, environment and emergency relief projects in: Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas & Oaxaca) and El Salvador; helps build north-south alliances and carries out education, political and legal work for global equality and justice, for global human rights, the environment and a just “development” model.

La vida vale más que el oro: Esta página tiene como objetivo informar sobre la actividad minera en Guatemala y de forma más general, sobre las políticas de explotación de recursos naturales en el país.

Waqib’ Kej: La Coordinación y Convergencia Nacional Maya Waqib’ Kej es una instancia conformada por organizaciones Mayas y Campesinas de Guatemala con el propósito de coordinar la articulación de las luchas de los pueblos originarios.